This little box doesn’t do much bass, but good mixes come through anyway. Despite its littleness and cheapness, it has something musical – how metaphorical…
Just discovered Martial Solal. Should have checked him decades earlier! The sound technicians did a great job too, the piano sounds stunningly gourgeous in this vid.
Harmony & voice leading
E. Aldwell & C. Schachter. 2003. Harmony & voice leading. Third edition. Wadsworth group.
Thorough textbook on classical harmony full of examples from music history. Optional with CD.
W. Piston. 1947. Counterpoint. W.W. Norton & company. New York/London.
Rather than imposing rules, Piston aims at a true understanding of counterpoint.
The professional arranger composer
R. Garcia. The professional arranger composer. Book 1. 12th printing. Criterion music corporation. Hollywood, CA.
Provides insight in the basic principles of composing/arranging.
Arranging for large jazz ensemble
D. Lowell, K. Pullig. 2003. Arranging for large jazz ensemble. Berklee press. Including CD.
Discusses arranging styles of Basie, Ellington, Evans and others.
Inside the score
R. Wright. 1982. Inside the score. A detailed analysis of 8 classic jazz ensemble charts. Kendor music. Including CD.
Examines big band scores of Sam Nestico, Thad Jones and Bob Brookmeyer. Features interviews with these artists.
Salsa guidebook
R. Mauleón. 1993. Salsa guidebook. For piano and ensemble. Sher music.
Gives insight in the main styles covered by the term ‘salsa'(danzón, cha-cha-cha, mambo, guaguancó, merengue and more).
101 montunos
R. Mauleón-Santana. 1999. 101 montunos. Sher music.
Salsa-piano explained. The book reflects on various styles within a historical context. Including 2 CD’s. Bilingual (English/Spanish).
Commercial site with a lot of information about the music business.
The 20 things you must know about music online
Recommendable free E-book by Andrew Dubber.
The ideal site for sharing and selling your music online.
Online community for Afro-American music lovers.
For exchanging music and other kind of sounds.
Audio and Production tutorials/audio tuts+
Very extensive and frequently updated resource on audio, daw’s, music theory etc.
Digital Domain
Site about mixing and mastering. You can post questions to legendary mastering-engineer Bob Katz.
Production Advice
Useful blog by mastering-engineer Ian Shepherd.
The last word – and numbers – on your cd. The artist’s guide to coded information.
Very clear e-book on this subject.
Home Studio Corner
Site of mixing-engineer Joe Gilder. Contains clear video tutorials.
Audio Issues
As it says.
The Recording Revolution
Engineer/producer Graham Cochrane educates home studio owners in articles and video tutorials.
Audio Recording Tips
As the title says.
SAE Institute’s index of audio topics
Clear introduction to all kind of audio topics, alphabetically ordered.
Audio Tutorials by Media College
Explains basic principles of music technology.
Home Recording at About.com
Engineer Joe Shambro shares his knowledge about recording, mixing and mastering.
Emerson R. Maningo on recording, mixing and mastering.
Link list of the Indiana University School of Music
Links to anything concerning music: instruments, theory, sheet music, composers, bands, record companies, publishers, et cetera. Not well maintained, but very comprehensive list.